Friday, October 30, 2009

bermuda triangle

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean in which a number of aircraft and surface vessels are alleged to have mysteriously disappeared and cannot be explained as human error, piracy, equipment failure, or natural disasters. Popular culture has attributed some of these disappearances to the paranormal, a suspension of the laws of physics, or activity by extraterrestrial beings.[1]

A substantial body of documentation reveals, however, that a significant portion of the allegedly mysterious incidents have been inaccurately reported or embellished by later authors, and numerous official agencies have stated that the number and nature of disappearances in the region is similar to any other area of ocean.

The boundaries of the triangle cover the Straits of Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean island area and the Atlantic east to the Azores; others[who?] add to it the Gulf of Mexico. The more familiar triangular boundary in most written works has as its points somewhere on the Atlantic coast of Miami, San Juan, Puerto Rico; and the mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda, with most of the accidents concentrated along the southern boundary around the Bahamas and the Florida Straits.

The area is one of the most heavily-sailed shipping lanes in the world, with ships crossing through it daily for ports in the Americas, Europe, and the Caribbean Islands. Cruise ships are also plentiful, and pleasure craft regularly go back and forth between Florida and the islands. It is also a heavily flown route for commercial and private aircraft heading towards Florida, the Caribbean, and South America from points north.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Best Holiday in China

ok . it's my photos when i went to holiday ! so fantastic yeah .

Saturday, October 10, 2009

my love


An empty street,An empty house,A whole inside my heart.I'm all alone.The rooms are getting smaller.I wonder how,I wonder why,I wonder where they are.The days we had,The songs we sang together.Oh, yeah.

And oh, my love.I'm holding on forever.
Reaching for a love that seems so far.

So, I say a little prayer.And hope my dreams will take me there.Where the skies are blue.To see you once again, My love.Over seas and coast to coast.Find the place I love the most.Where the fields are green.To see you once again, My love.I try to read,I go to work,I'm laughing with my friends.But I can't stop,To keep myself from thinking.Oh, no.I wonder how,I wonder why,I wonder where they are.The days we had,The songs we sang together.Oh, yeah.And oh, my love.I'm holding on forever.Reaching for a love that seems so far.

So, I say a little prayer.And hope my dreams will take me there.Where the skies are blue.To see you once again, My love.Over seas and coast to coast.Find the place I love the most.Where the fields are green.To see you once again... To hold you in my arms.To promise you my love.To tell you from the heart,You're what I'm thinking of.I'm reaching for the love that seems so far.So, I say a little prayer.And hope my dreams will take me there.Where the skies are blue.To see you once again, My love.Over seas and coast to coast.Find the place I love the most.Where the fields are green.To see you once again,My love.I say a little prayerDreams will take me thereWhere the skies are blue(Oh yeah)To see you once again(Oh, my love)Over seas and coast to coastTo find the place I love the most.Where the fields are green.To see you once again,My love.
to : GOD, my grandfather, my family, ardelia, jocelyn, Sir Paul, my teachers, and all my friends
I love you ...

Friday, October 9, 2009

the mid report

huuaaa. raport mid gw bner" ga baguss. bner" bad mood gw hari ini. gara" ada 1 nilai yg bener" ngefek bgt drtd. ingg gw ad yang 67 di raport. gilaa. itu nilai darimana coba??! gw merasa , gw ga punya nilai segituu deh. ahh. parahh lah. gw uda coba tanya sihh td ama wali kelas gw, tapi ya gmn ya, kalo emang beneran itu nilai gw, gw bner" apes. masa inggris doang gw bisa dpt angka yang bener" JELEK itu?! huh T.T darimana coba?! bner" penasaran gw. abs kyknya inggris gw lancar" aj deh. trus 1 nilai lagi . uts BI gw. huaaaa. cuman 73. yaaa ampyuunnnnn mamiiii . gela kali. itu nilainya parah bner. cuman lebih dikit dari kkm. UNEXPECTED ! haduuh. gila ya, nilai gw turun abs. gw bingung gw musti gmn supaya nilai raport akhir gw jadi bener" super" bagusss guss gusss. abis kan gw mau test di sanur. sekolah yang jadi incaran orang" pinter. yang kualitasnya high banget. and peraturannya great and WOW. haduu haduu haduu. semoga nilai" gw bisa membaik deh nantinya di ulangan umum. gw bner" uda ga punya harapan lagi selain ul umum. mana waktu itu cepet banget. blom ngapa"en, tau" uda jam 12 malem, huaaaaaaaa . mau nangis gue rasanya. waktu itu singkat banget ya ternyata. mulai detik ini gw pasti akan manfaatin waktu yang gw punya dengan sangat" baik deh. even though cuman ada sedetik doang. tapi semogalah. haha. gw ini orangnya suka berharap yang banyak banget. yang ga mungkin juga gw harap"in. tapi yaudahlah hahaha. siapa tau nantinya bisa terwujud kan....

mid test score in the 9th grade (1)

agama : 100
bhs indonesia : 73
kwn : 80
fisika : 95
mat : 95
bio : blom dipriksa wkwkwk
plkj : 100
pembukuan : 90
ips geografi sejarah sosiologi : 90
komputer teori : 93
inggris : 93 & 86

thank you God ^^ its just because of you .
i hope for the final test , it will be the best score . i believe i can with your helps .

Thursday, October 1, 2009

the miracle's FACT.

omg. gw bener" ga nyangka kalo ternyata nilai ulangan mid gw bisa mencapai nilai" yang bisa dibilang bagus. bukan sombong atau apa ya, tapi yang jelas gw ini senenggggggg banget. gw jadi bisa nunjukkin rasa 'thanks' gw buat mum n dad yang uda bayarin uang skolah gw. dan pastinyaaa, gw berterima kasih banget buat Dia, yang selalu bantu gw dalam hal apapun. entah itu hibur gw, bantuin gw, jagain gw, n dampingin gw. kalo ga ada Tuhan yang bantuin gw blajar, mungkin mat gw uda dapet nilai yang kurang bagus. gw seneng bukan maen. ternyata nilai mat gw nilai tertinggi. sumpah. gw kaget bener. gw masi ga nyadar gw ini sala denger sala liat , lagi mimpi ato gimana. huaaa. bener" kejutan. the miracle's FACT. thank youu GOD.

oh yaa. gw juga berterima kasiiihhh banget ama 1 temen gw yang jago mat, namany Hansen. slama ini, dia uda banyak bantuin gw blajar mat. bantuin gw ngerjain soal" yang rumit. berkat dia gw bisa jadi orang ( dlm arti uda jadi bisa mat ). waktu gw sebelom uts mat, gw uda stress stenga mati. mana uda malem, baru pulang. gila kali. gw sama skali ga latian. cuman liat catetan n peer" doang. karna uda putus asa, gw telpon si hansen itu. gw bilang : "sen,gw blom blajar mat. mana uda malem. stres bner. ntar bsk kalo jelek gmn?" . trus dy jawab : " udah lah jess. u jadi orang jgn stress". lagian u juga uda pinter kog. u pasti bisa ngerjain soal. mat itu tuh sebenernya simple ya. asal u ngerti dasar n konsepnya. gw yakin u itu uda bisa. tapi u itu sama skali ga PeDe". nah, stelah dy ngomong gitu, ga tau knapa, gw mrasa ada semangat dari diri gw gitu. gw cuman liat buku. n gatau kenapa, gw merasa n gw berkata terus sampe gw mau tidur kalo gw itu besoknya PASTI BISA. haah. besoknya...gw ngerjain soal dengan teliti, pelan", kan biar lambat asal selamat ya haha. tapi karna gw uda bener" dikejar waktu n ngumpul ulangan musti ON TIME, gw stres. gw buru". no 21 kebawah gw ga kerjain dulu. gw ngebut ke essay. busyed. ngitungnya tuh susahnyaaa amit". akar sini sono. komanyaaa baahh. i was panic ! omg omg. help me pleaseeee . akhirnya gw keburu juga. trus gw ngebut ke pg n akhirnya tersisa waktu sekitar 10 detik buat priksa ulang. gw mriksa sih pake feeling aja hehehe. n yaudah. stelah dikumpul, ivander, temen gw yang jadi guru les itu dateng ke gw. dy bilang jawaban dy ama gw uda sama. gw lega banget dong. haha. secara dy guru les gituu. jagoo .

n akhirnya. jengjengjengjeng. pas dibagi. gw bener" fly*. gw ga nyangka gw dapet nilai yang lebih tinggi dari hansen. haduhh. makasii hansenn. untung ada lu yang ceramah sebelom hari H. untungggg. thank youuu so much yaaaa. tanpa lu gw ga akan bisa apa" kyk sekarang ini. gw yakin lu pasti bakal dapet yang terbaik dari semua. n gw tau lu itu the best person of mathematic. secara gitu. uda slesai belajar materi kuliahan. cia you deh. dannn mulai sekaranggg , gw percaya kalo THE MIRACLE'S FACT AND OPENED FOR EVERYONE.